Tuesday, January 25, 2011

WK2-HW-Eddie Mason

What makes this site OPEN is the navigation, timely topical content, on-site key word search, club membership prerequisites, recommendations, branded entertainment, blogs, community site, consumer generated media and social bookmarking.

Code= css, java script

What makes the G.Q. site open is is the navigation, timely topical content, on-site key word search, club membership prerequisites, recommendations, branded entertainment, blogs, community site, consumer generated media and social bookmarking, consumer decision making roles, forums discussion boards, consumer panels, twitter, M-commerce coupons, decision support content

Code = css, java, script


This site I do not really view as Open from brand placement and the interaction of the menus.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wk2 - IC Eddie Mason New Biz

South Congress Cafe
      On this restaurant website I would first change the placement of the menu bar to run horizontal along the top rather than vertical on the top left. The size of the font and the color leaves the site without an obvious focal point. The color scheme as well would change with the foreground and background to provide more contrast to provide the opportunity for content to stand out and not blend. There would be more of a navigational element that I would achieve by implementing a key word search that would give more interaction with the user than just pasting information on the page. I would also add a community portion for comments and suggestions that would allow customer input to provide the feeling of inclusion to those who frequent the restaurant on consistent basis.

Print Design vs Web Design Homework

 This piece was a reminder that with web design a designer much keep in my mind the number of factors that can be involved in producing work besides ones own creative capabilities. Font for instance, if its not widely available this can produce problems in the translation to some. As well as color preferences that with particular monitors can be a source of distraction that can occur with a monitor trying compensate for the lack of information that it does not have readily available. All these aspects along with navigation and typography are all examples of the things that must be considered besides just the message.

Dear Print Designer Article Homework

     The article touched on the transitional mistakes made moving from the aspect of a graphic artist to a web design artist. The piece touched on what was our overview from the first class. From the resolution standpoint and how the subtleties derived from the practice of a particular art can have a large impact on another, to how the selection of an obscure font font that is obviously more aesthetically pleasing to an artist can be more of an hindrance because of the nature of accessability. The article overall left me with the message that web design must have the creative component and logistical component work hand in hand to achieve the goal of catching the eye and keeping the mind.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Week 1 IC Eddie Mason Website Analysis


    I found the Tourneau website the most attractive due to the optimized fusion of font and visual imagery to create a distinct look and feel of the Tourneau brand. The site encompasses each of the stated standards mentioned in today's lecture. From the brand placement, to the navigating properties the website covers all well while also providing a strong sense of style that holds its own in the duality of possessing style and technique. The use of color schemes from the the neutral usage complimented with the bold red gave sleekness and strength to the piece. All this is of course is an over witted and unvalidated opinion of someone who has little or not much of a cohesive clue. Push come to shove "The pictures are pretty, as well are the colors."

The measurement of the site looks to be 1280.